Do you long for deep restorative sleep? Would you like to learn some tips and techniques for falling asleep or falling back to sleep. I am running a sleep relaxation class on Tuesday 31st of January at 7pm. The class is an hour long. It will be a mix of information and relaxation. Please bring your own blankets and eye pillows! I will supply mats but you are welcome to bring your own. This is the first of three relaxation classes that I am going to be running at Butcombe Village Hall. Please get in touch if you would like more details or would like to come along to the class.
The cost of the class is £15.00
You can book on the link below - please pass the details onto any insomniacs that you know!
#sleep #insomnia #sleepwell #restorativesleep #relaxationforsleep #sleeprelaxationclassnorthsomerset #northsomersetsleep #relaxation #deeprelaxation #sleeptipsandtechniques #butcomberelaxationclass #butcombevillagehall